
Our Spring 2023 Alward Lab photo!
Top, left to right: Sarah Gawlik, Maxximus Ramsaroop, Mariana Lopez, Lillian Jackson, Melanie Dussenne, Sarina Momin.
Bottom, left to right: Megan Howard, Jacqueline Bahrami, Andrew Hoadley, Beau Alward, Kat Munley, Amy Hoang.
Not present: Mariam Dumitrascu,

Beau Alward, PhD
Principal Investigator of the Social Neuroscience Lab
Beau got his PhD from Johns Hopkins University and was an Arnold O. Beckman Fellow at Stanford University. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology and has a joint appointment (by courtesy) in the Department of Biology and Biochemistry. He is interested in how our brains process social information and generate appropriate physiological and behavioral responses. He is a member of the Developmental, Cognitive, and Behavioral Neuroscience (DCBN) Program in the Department of Psychology. He will be joining the Department of Integrative Biology and Physiology (IBP) at UCLA as an assistant professor starting July 1st 2024.

Andrew Hoadley, MA
Research Scientist

Andrew received his BA in Biology from Colgate University and his MA in Biology from Boston University. He is interested in studying the neural basis of social behavior using sophisticated behavioral observations and cutting-edge genetic techniques.

Lillian Jackson, BS
PhD Student, DCBN Program

Lillian received her BS in Neuroscience at the University of Texas at Austin. She is interested in the role that social context plays in altering the neural mechanisms of behavior. Additionally, she is interested in finding distinctions between reproductive and aggressive behaviors that are performed by both sexes. She is a PhD student in DCBN Program.

Mariana Lopez, BS
PhD Student, DCBN Program

Currently Mariana’s interests include investigating aggression in A.burtoni males deficient of functional androgen receptor (AR) genes and how the neural mechanisms associated with aggression differ from the norm. She is a PhD student in DCBN Program.

Kat Munley, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow

Kat received her BS in Marine Biology and her BA in Creative Writing from the University of Miami, and she recently received her PhD in Evolution, Ecology, and Behavior from Indiana University. Broadly, she is interested in how an organism’s external environment influences its internal state, including neuroendocrine substrates and social behavior. As a postdoctoral fellow in the Alward Lab, she will be investigating how steroid hormones regulate aggressive and reproductive behaviors across different social contexts.

Melanie Dussenne, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow

Lauren Saenz, BS
Lab Technician

Lauren earned a BS in Psychology with a minor in Anthropology from the University of Houston. She is interested in the mechanisms of social behavior and her attention is toward learning how neural, molecular, and behavioral elements are interconnected. She is working at the Alward Lab as a Research Technician to broaden her understanding of social behavior and neuroscience before beginning a graduate program.

Undergraduate and High School Research Assistants

Jacqueline Bahrami (2021-Present) (2022 PURS Awardee)

Jacqueline received her BS in exercise science with a focus in health professions. Her current research investigates the sex differences between male and female A. burtoni in regards to cellular proliferation and radial glial cells.

Maxximus Ramsaroop (2022-2023)

Maxximus is an undergraduate Biology major at the University of Houston. He is interested in social behavior and how behavioral and morphological cues affect sexual selection and communication. He is currently working to understand how visual cues and coloration affect female preference.

Mariam Diramatscu (2021-Present)

Villa Matovu (2021-2022)

Sarah Gawlik (2022-Present)

Sarina Momin (2022-Present)

Amy Hoang (2022-Present)

Lab Alumni

Villa Matovu

Mark Mathews

Megan Lean

Kamille Hernandez

Sara Loetzerich (Now: UH Biology and Biochemistry Graduate Program)

Richanda Berry (Now: UT San Antonio Clinical and Mental Health Counseling Masters Program)

Uchenna Inoma (Now: Lonza Bioscience)

Humayd Mirza (Now: Kosten Addiction Lab at UH)

Rohail Siddiqi (Now: Kosten Addiction Lab at UH)