

Recent publications

Alward, B.A., Hoadley, A.P., Jackson, L.R., Lopez, M.S. (2023) Genetic dissection of steroid-hormone modulated social behavior: Novel paralogous genes are a boon for discovery. Hormones and Behavior, 147, 105295

Hoadley, A.P., Fernald, R.D., & Alward, B.A. (2021) Control of testes mass by androgen receptor paralogs in a cichlid. Journal of Comparative Physiology B, 192, 107–114

Alward, B.A., Cathers, P.H., Blakkan, D.M., Hoadley, A.P., & Fernald, R.D. (2021)
A behavioral logic underlying aggression in an African cichlid fish. Ethology, 2021;00:1–10.

Alward, B. A., Laud, V., Skalnik, C. J., York, R. A., Juntti, S. A., & Fernald, R. D. (2020). Modular genetic control of social status in a cichlid fish. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117, 28167–28174.

Alward, B.A., Hilliard, A.T., York, R.A., Fernald R.D. (2019) Hormonal regulation of social status and temporal organization of behavior in an African cichlid. Hormones and Behavior, 107, 83-95.

Stevenson, T. J., Alward, B.A., Ebling, F. J., Fernald, R. D., Kelly, A., & Ophir, A. G. (2018). The Value of Comparative Animal Research: Krogh’s Principle Facilitates Scientific Discoveries. Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 5, 118–125.

Madison, F.N., Kesner, A.J., Alward, B.A., Ball, G.F. (2018) Sex differences in mineralcorticoid and glucocorticoid receptor mRNA expression in response to acute mate pair separation in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). Hippocampus, 28, 698-706.

Alward, B.A.,Balthazart, J.,Cornil, C., Ball, G.F. (2018). The regulation of birdsong by testosterone: Multiple time-scales and multiple sites of action. Hormones and Behavior (Invited Review), 104, 32–40.

Alward, B.A., Balthazart, J., Ball G.F. (2017) Dissociable effects of androgen signaling in cortex-like brain regions on distinct features of birdsong. Journal of Neuroscience, 37, 8612-8624.

For a full list of publications, visit my Google Scholar page. If you can’t download an article, send me an email ( and i’ll be happy to send you a PDF.